Emotions And Illness

Throughout many years I have been in contact with several literatures, some of self-help, others more scientific.

I’ve noticed in many cases that people who possessed a certain pattern of feeling or thought and were in some conflicting situation eventually developed diseases.

I sought to know more about psychosomatic, and memorable authors like Louise Hay, with fantastic work on feelings and illnesses.

We are responsible for our body for everything that occurs in it (we usually have the idea of ​​it), our thoughts, especially the most negative ones, such as sadness, anger. fear, hatred, low self-esteem, self-denial, rejection, among others, usually lead to a state of unforgiveness with ourselves or with the other person.

This state triggers in our brain a series of substances that end up destabilizing some part of our body, generating diseases, sometimes some very serious ones.

The secret to a better health life is always to forgive and know that no one is perfect, and to value yourself very much, after all if you do not value yourself, nobody values ​​you. Love your faults, your qualities and always think about improve your self development.

Beware of the feelings you see that are not good for you, notice and see what you can change so that you don’t hurt yourself.

Here is a table with some illnesses and the feelings that triggers them.

Tonsillitis: Repressed emotions
Anorexia: Hate to the extreme of oneself.
Appendicitis: Fear of life. Blocking the flow of what is good.
Arteriosclerosis: Resistance. Refusal to see the good.
Asthma: Feeling contained, crying repressed.
Bronchitis: Family environment “inflamed”, Screams and discussions.
Cancer: Deep grief, sorrows kept for a long time.
Cholesterol: fear of accepting joy.
Diabetes: Deep sadness.
Diarrhea: Fear, rejection, escape (eliminate from within what is bad).
Headache: Self-criticism, lack of self-worth.
Migraine: Sexual fears. Repressed anger. Perfectionist person.
Frigidity: Fear. Denial of pleasure.
Gastritis: Deep uncertainty. Sensation of condemnation, ideas badly digested.
Hemorrhoids: Fear of certain deadlines. Repressed anger. Perfectionist person.
Hepatitis: Anger, hate. Resistance to change.
Insomnia: Fear, guilt.
Meningitis: Inner tumult. Lack of support.
Nodule: Resentment, frustration. Ego wounded.
Skin (acne): Individuality threatened.
Pneumonia: Despair. Tiredness of life.
High Blood Pressure: An emotionally long-lasting and unresolved problem.
Belly Prison: Stuck in the past. Fear of not having enough money.
Lungs: Fear of absorbing life.
Colds: Mental confusion, heartaches.
Rheumatism: Feeling victim. Lack of love. Bitterness.
Allergic Rhinitis: Emotional congestion.
Kidneys: Criticism, disappointment, failure.
Snoring: Stubbornness, attachment to the past.
Sinusitis: Irritation with people close to you.
Thyroid: Humiliation.
Ulcers: Fear. Belief not to be good enough.
Varicose Veins: Discouragement. Feeling overwhelmed.


Attention with your feelings, especially what hides within yourself.

Wishing you health and happiness,

Suzy Teixeira

Hypnohelp Melbourne – Hypnotherapy Clinic


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