Hypnotherapy can help you live the life you deserve

Hypnotherapy is a safe technique that help you to move forward in life and open the best version of you.

During a hypnotherapy session, the hypnotherapist will seek to know you, find out what the problem is, learn about yourself and your lifestyle.

Did you know that our thoughts and feelings create our reality?
If you believe that life is difficult, complicated and that problems have no way to be solved, that’s what you will attract for your life.

Think of the things that are going wrong in your life. The plans that didn’t work, the situations that always repeating in your life. It’s very common to sabotage our life without even realizing it.
What I hear most from my clients is that they’re >trying< something.

Trying to travel more, trying not to be so anxious, trying to maintain healthy relationships, trying to find a purpose in life. From the moment you put yourself in this position of “trying” your subconscious mind is already revealing limiting patterns that were created during your life till now, especially in childhood. You demonstrate to have a genuine heart, but it ends up losing itself and not taking the form it should, due to internal imbalances that are not being treated as they should.
The electromagnetic field of the heart is the most potent of all organs of the body: 5 times more intense than that the brain, if your thought has a giant power, your feelings have a much greater power of creation.

Stop limiting yourself!
Identifying what is limiting your potential is not always an easy task. We often carry questions in our subconscious mind that we never dreamed of having. And it’s precisely because of this inability to identify these limitations that you keep living the same situations constantly.
Family and relationship problems, addictions, syndromes, anxiety, depression… the list is quite extensive.

This helps the hypnotherapist to decide the best way to help you to overcome any problem you are having.

At the beginning a light trance is induced, where your conscious (critical) mind can simply turn off.

A state of consciousness in which you can access your unconscious and promote deeply rooted and lasting changes. The hypnotherapist can also teach you self-hypnosis.

So, when you are subjected to hypnotherapy, the possibilities are endless.


– Find solutions to the problems you have been carrying for so long

– Get rid of old limiting beliefs

– Turn Negative Thoughts into Positive Thoughts

– Develop healthier habits

– Set realistic goals

– Take active control of your health, your career, your relationships, and your life in general.

– Hypnotherapy helps overcome anxiety and depression as well.

In fact, if you can think of a problem or an issue, hypnotherapy can probably help.

It can help you make better decisions. Get your concentration increased. Free your imagination and creativity.

It can help you feel more relaxed and at peace with yourself.

It can help you get rid of stress. Making you feel healthy mentally, emotionally and physically.

It can help you increase your self-confidence.

It can help you sleep better and have more energy when you need it.

It can help you find the stability that will allow you to truly live your life, rather than just going through it.

Even acknowledging that no one is perfect, there is nothing wrong in the quest for perfection.

One small change at a time.

Wishing you health and happiness,

Suzy Teixeira

Hypnohelp Melbourne – Hypnotherapy Clinic


Suzy Teixeira

About Suzy Teixeira

Hello! I'm Suzy Teixeira. My Practice as a Clinical Hypnotherapist is a constant search for new knowledge, skill sharpening study and therapy development. I am willing to offer a complete Hypnotherapy service.

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