Depression is a condition that makes one hide depression and feel intense feelings of worthlessness, guilt, shame and sadness that over time people who hide depression sometimes have.
People who suffer from depression need to have supportive and understanding friends and family.
Some people may hide their depression because of the negative stigma associated with the mental illness. Here it is 8 signs that someone is secretly dealing with depression:
1. Periods of isolation
Period of isolation is one of the main signs that a person is suffering from depression. The person may disappear for months and not go out to interact with the rest of the world.
2. Have frequent crying crises
A depressed person often has crises of crying. It may have been a negative experience, or it could be sentimental tears. However, frequent tears often leads to depression.
3. Holds a negative view about life
One of the habits of depressed people is to have a negative overview about life. He or she will think that everything is wrong, and everyone is against him or her. But remember that it is the depression that is distorting their thinking.
4. Failure to work often
A depressed person will often miss work or school because of the condition.
5. Avoid Social Activities
A depressed individual will try their best not to get involved in social activities. Depressed mood can make they feel tired, which will make they want to stay home alone.
6. Expresses past regrets
Depressed people experience feelings of depression. Regrets are unfortunate thoughts about the decisions one has made in the past. A depressed person may feel unhappy about a relationship that has ended or a job that the person has lost. The individual may feel as if a moving decision was bad and detrimental to that person’s state.
7. Not feeling loved
Depressed people often feel as if no one loves them. Therefore, a depressed person often shows signs of feeling alone and hopeless. The person can make relevant comments, or the person can walk through life with a defeated expression.
8. Disinterest of their activities of interest
Finally, a depressed person may feel as if he or she has no interest in activities they previously enjoyed. Friends and family members may notice the person’s refusal to participate in these activities.
A friend or family member should offer help and support to the depressed person. The person should make sure not to offend the depressed person, but rather to offer love, help and support.
How can hypnotherapy help client’s suffering from depression?
Understanding the onset of the depression can help a lot in the client’s struggle to overcome depression. Hypnotherapy consists of the following steps:
Detect the causes
With hypnotherapy, the client will go on an internal journey to find and understand her or his most intimate problems, those of which she/he is not aware of.
After identifying some things that don’t suit the client, the client makes some minor changes in her/his behaviour so that it is no longer a problem in her/his life.
Release the moorings
Often, the depressed client is “blocking” memories, that is, after going through some complicated situations, she/he tends to ignore subjects, people, behaviours, places, things that are similar or remind her/him of the moment that she/he wants to forget. It works as a form of escape, making the person always stand in the same place when the subject is “that”.
Through hypnotherapy, it is possible to make the client understand that it is necessary to lose the fear of facing similar situations in life and that bad experiences happen always with all of us. We encourage her/him to overcome fear and seek the strength to go around.
Give incentive
More than support, hypnotherapy shows the client that she/he has control of the situation and that it is through her/his strengths that she/he finds the strength to get out of depression.
With the hypnotherapy treatment, the client increases the knowledge of its positive and less positive points, understanding, thus, its fragility and knowing how to deal with depression.
Do you want to know more about how hypnotherapy can help people suffering from depression?
Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.
Wishing you health and happiness,
Suzy Teixeira