What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a suggestion welcomed and lived internally by the person, it is a state of mind that enables changes, re significations of traumas.

· So here you have an example that explains this theme, I suggest you imagine that you are in your favourite vacation, spot one of those days of scorching sun, where you are only in the shade. The heat is so strong and when you look at the horizon you can see the heat waves.

In the radio they speak of temperatures over 40º degrees and the authorities’ advice to use a lot of sunscreen and be very careful with the exposure of ultraviolet rays besides drinking plenty of liquids. It is precisely at this point that you realize that you have not been drinking anything for two hours. You begin to feel dry mouth and you go to a bar in the immediate vicinity.

When you get there, they tell you that they only have fresh lemonade, when you look at the glass, you notice the lemon flesh mixed with the water with plenty of ice. The mug releases a water vapour so fresh and you realize that you do not have the wallet with you but everything you want, everything you need at that moment is just a little of that divine liquid. A small example, if you are salivating, congratulations. You just had a hypnosis experience.

Hypnosis Therapy is an effective technique for achieving wellness and balance.

Some Benefits of Hypnosis:

· Increased self-esteem and self-confidence;

· Change habits such as quitting smoking;

· Modify behavioural patterns;

· Eliminate anxiety, panic syndrome, stress;

· Prepare the individual for interviews;

· Helps with loss, mourning, separation and motivation;

· Sexual dysfunction;

· Obesity;

· Sleep Disorders;

· Chronic Pain, etc.

Do you want know more?  Contact me on 1300 993 557

Wishing you health and happiness,

Suzy Teixeira

Hypnohelp Melbourne – Hypnotherapy Clinic


Suzy Teixeira

About Suzy Teixeira

Hello! I'm Suzy Teixeira. My Practice as a Clinical Hypnotherapist is a constant search for new knowledge, skill sharpening study and therapy development. I am willing to offer a complete Hypnotherapy service.

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