Spread Your Wings And Try

  Although deep down he was afraid of falling and wondered if he would ever be successful, Robbie Robin wanted to fly. So determined was he to fly that every day, after his morning worm, Robbie took a deep breath, flapped his wings, and stepped over the edge of the nest. Each time, Robbie Robin…

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The Turn-Around Fable

  Paul the Polar Bear skated across the ice. He twirled and dipped, pirouetting across the frigid surface. The other polar bears watched him with admiration. Paul knew he was good. In fact, he knew he was great. Nobody for miles around could even begin to compete with him. He was the best and he…

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The Exhausted Raccoon Fable

  Gina was one of the busiest raccoons in the forest. She worked a long shift at her day job. She took care of her children and husband. She helped her parents and grandparents. She helped raise her nieces and nephews. Plus, she found the time to help other forest animals who needed her every…

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Tips for Practising and Mastering Any Skill

  Expertise doesn’t come overnight. Even relatively simple skills can take some time to reach a high level of expertise. There are many theories of how long it takes to master a complex skill. The most common number is 10,000 hours. But it’s not enough to mindlessly practice something for 10,000 hours. It’s important to…

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How to Take Action Consistently

  Actions speak louder than words. Talking and planning aren’t enough to make progress with most tasks. Some of us specialise in daydreaming and planning. We might have the best ideas, but ideas without action are a waste of time and mental energy. It’s important to spend the majority of your time actually doing something.…

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A Plan to Take Back Control of Your Life

  When life isn’t going your way, do you empower yourself to make improvements? Most people are great at getting themselves worked up into a state that’s anything but empowering. When things get challenging, we need all of our resources if we’re really going to turn things around. We all have the power to overcome…

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Ways to Stop a Panic Attack

  A panic attack can feel terrifying. Those that suffer panic attacks often feel as if they’re going to die. While highly unpleasant, panic attacks are harmless. A panic attack is something you created. So, you also have the power to lessen and eliminate the attack. If panic attacks are controlling your life, you can…

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How to be More Open and Share Your Feelings

  There are some people that have no trouble sharing their feelings. They are devoid of the fear and anxiety that most of us feel about sharing something personal or potentially controversial. Down deep, you’re jealous of these people. Openness provides a level of freedom that eludes those that are more private. It’s important to…

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7 Public Speaking Survival Strategies

  Public speaking is frightening for most of us. We don’t feel comfortable standing in front of a bunch of people and taking responsibility for all the attention we receive. However, public speaking skills are incredibly valuable. Not only are you admired for being a good speaker, but it can also do amazing things for…

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