From Fear to Freedom

  Every successful person has had to deal with fear. The road to hell might be paved with good intentions, but the road to success is littered with fear and uncertainty. The biggest difference between someone that is wildly successful and someone that is not is the courage to take significant action over and over…

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Tap Into Your Inner Creativity

  Everyone has the ability to be creative – including you! Once you learn how to unleash your inner creativity, you’ll be able to tap into it, no matter what else is going on in your life. You might even be amazed at what you’re really capable of! Discovering your inner creativity begins with looking…

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How to Develop Daily Discipline

  Discipline is something we all wish we had a little more of. With discipline, losing weight, going to the gym, and flossing regularly are a piece of cake. Goals are achieved, and we feel good about ourselves when we exercise discipline. You’re also less susceptible to your impulses and emotions when you have a…

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How to Overcome Fear and Self-Doubt

  Fear and self-doubt can be crippling. It’s not easy to enjoy your life or to achieve great things when you’re afraid or doubt your capabilities. Many people stay away from situations that trigger these mental states, but that’s a severely limited way to approach life. Most of the best things in life lie on…

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Practical Ways to Practice Gratitude

  Gratitude isn’t a common habit, but without gratitude, life is more challenging than it needs to be. Feeling grateful resets your perspective, and this is a gift you can give yourself each day. If you find yourself feeling pessimistic or overwhelmed, a little gratitude can get your attitude back on the right track. Gratitude…

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Self-Mastery is the Ultimate Goal

  What’s standing in the way of you reaching the level of success you desire, enjoying a great relationship, or seeing your abs for the first time? Is the problem that you don’t know enough? No. Is there too much competition? Not even close. The only obstacle is a lack of mastery over yourself. Don’t…

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Coping with the Loss of a Loved One

  Whether the loss of a loved one is expected or sudden, it remains one of the most difficult challenges to overcome in life. It’s hard to cope with the inevitable flood of emotions. The truth is that your loved one wouldn’t want you to grieve forever. The best honour and dedication would be to…

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The Power of Raising Your Standards

  Mike Ditka, the great football coach of the Chicago Bears, has often said, “You get what you tolerate.” If your life is less than you’d like it to be, it’s possible your standards are too low. One of the reasons Donald Trump makes so much money is that only making $1 million per year…

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Techniques to Enhance Your Eye Contact

  The amount of eye contact we maintain during conversations is learned in childhood. A lack of eye contact is often interpreted as dishonesty or a lack of confidence. Like any habit, change is challenging and requires a little work. Even if you routinely stare at your feet while dealing others, you can develop the…

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