I see the new purpose of my life. It is now time to act on this new purpose.I am grateful for all the things I have learned so far in my life. I am thankful for all the learning lessons I have overcome thus far. I am happy that my life has become athing of beauty.
Just as the lotus flower rises up through the muck toward the light, I am now emerging
into the light of my legacy. I see now what was unclear to me before. I have clarity of
purpose. By going through what seemed like hard times, I have gained maturity. I have
acquired wisdom through experience. I now know what was not revealed to me before.
I now have greater insight into my purpose for being. I see my new potential. I have gone through the refiner’s fire. With new clarity of purpose, I can now plan for my future. I am grateful that the way has been made plain for me now. I see the road has been cleared through my efforts. I am grateful for the strength of purpose. I am proud of how far I have come. I give myself credit where credit is due. I rejoice in my accomplishments thus far. I celebrate my victories. Now is the time for me to complete my mission on Earth.
Today, I rise to the occasion. I feel my passion expand in my heart. I am ready to live my purpose now!
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What can I do to more clearly see my purpose?
2. What do I need to journal now that will be useful for my legacy?
3. What is my next action step?
Love and Light xoxo
Suzy Teixeira